4 Ways To Adjust To The Opposite Coast

Whether you grew up on the West Coast or East Coast, there may come a time when the other side of the country is calling. It might not seem like as big of an adjustment as moving abroad, but there can be major culture shocks even in the US. From weather to politics and everything in between, moving is never easy. However, when it’s a coastal move, there are some tips to make it a little easier.

First, look at al the silver linings, like those affordable and fast New York to DC buses that allow for some serious sightseeing. When you find yourself in the midst of a which coast is better debate (and you will), it’ll serve you well to be able to see upsides from east to west. Here are the best tips on adjusting, no matter what time zone you’ll be calling home:

  1. Revel in the similarities

If you’re a native Californian, you’re going to find some gorgeous beaches in the Carolinas and in Florida. Before moving, write down what you’re going to miss most about your current state and seek out similarities in your new home. Check out the US News report on the best beaches in the country and you’ll feel right at home.

  1. Play tourist

As much as you may have despised tourists in your old state, that’s exactly what you are now so live it up. However, try and do the same before you move and play tourist in home own state, too. In fact, USA Travel recently reported on the best tourist destinations in the US, and they’re worth adding to any bucket list.

  1. Indulge in a little shopping therapy

If you’re moving from Florida to Washington State, you’re in for a little weather shock. Set a budget, consider thrifting, and then indulge in a little retail therapy in order to get you in the mood for a new region. Picking up some comfy snow boots, down coats and cozy scarves is the best way to get excited for such a major move.

  1. Start your time adjustment early

If you have a three (or more: hello, Hawaii!) hour time difference coming up, start adjusting before you move. Shift your waking schedule by an hour each week leading up to the move. It’ll take a little extra stress out of the equation, and every little bit counts.

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